Nasties v Deplorables

a8d2303bbf2a33f449ca0e3c1bf9460eI hate Hitler analogies & any reference to World War II as being the perfect example of everything that could ever go right or wrong in the world, but I also believe that right now some deliberate parallels with history are being orchestrated or at least attempted, from “populism” to “fascism.” Specifically, I can’t help but wonder if the focus on race and immigration are a distraction from the implementation of The Total Corporate State. If there is a parallel with fascism to be made, it’s this endgame that is the real goal rather than actual “hate.” But the “hater” thing is what’s got people screaming at each other right now, and it’s no accident. Both sides of this dialectic have agitation as a major goal seems to me. I call it Nasties v Deplorables, with examples Ashley Judd and Milo Yiannopoulos, respectively. These guys and many others are getting people to scream at each other and use language that was absolutely off limits not very long ago. Why? I have a theory.

I had an epiphany when I heard an alt-right blogger say he used to get total flak for the edgy things he said and now everyone’s saying them! And I realized I noticed the same thing. I used to really worry about offending people, not because I said objectively offensive things, but because merely trying to dig into the truth of certain identity-based political hot-buttons are in themselves offensive to some people.
(This is actually a device used to stifle debate. A parallel example occurred today in a Sean Spicer press conference [starting at around 26:40–it’s already teed up below] where someone asked what we were doing in Yemen and he responded repeatedly that to ask such a question disrespected the death of Chief Owens who Spicer said gave his life on a mission in Yemen protecting us from terrorism.)
(As if that aside weren’t off topic enough, you must take a moment to watch Melissa McCarthy do Sean Spicer…she really nails it….)

As did the alt-right blogger, I noticed that what I say is not in the slightest bit edgy anymore and honestly, I was relieved–I started to think maybe I could let my guard down a bit and not worry so much about the occasional misunderstanding–then it hit me!
The Deplorables are being egged on by the Nasties and they are letting their guards down–actually they all are, the Nasties and the Deplorables. Every nasty thing folks say on twitter, facebook, and (the Deplorable-friendly answer to twitter which may actually be a honeypot if this is the real game), is being uploaded to the Fusion Centers. (Think I’m kidding? Go to Utah.) Every nasty (or deplorable!) comment is being recorded and catalogued. (Every single tweet is destined for the Library of Congress also, by the way.) Perhaps you think that the overwhelming amount of this data or the extremes to which people like Milo go make us safe by making us look mild. Or that the Nasties are worse so we can always use that as a defense. What I fear, however, is that the pendulum will swing back, the Nasties will be back in charge and just like what actual state-agent Nazis in Germany said and thought, what seemed totally normal, even de rigueur to them in the context of the time, what Deplorables say in the context of this time will be ex post facto criminal speech. (An ex post facto law is an after the fact law and it is against the fundamental principles of just law, but I see fundamental standards such as these slipping away.) I’m not saying what Deplorables say is tantamount to Nazi-talk, I’m just saying, the Nazis and even ordinary citizens actually thought what they were saying was just fine, even cool, in the context of the time, especially since Nazis were the ones in power. (I recall a movie in which a young woman went to a small German town to root out citizens who abided the Nazis. It was actually called The Nasty Girl, if you can believe it.)
I hesitate to even speculate about this–not because I hate Nazi comparisons (which I do)–but because I don’t want to contribute to the Panopticon, which is surely part of the plan (unrolled by what I deem to be a limited hangout, Edward Snowden). That is, by chilling ourselves for fear the watchers are watching, the watchers don’t even have to watch! We will curb ourselves from exercising the First Amendment without them having to lift a finger.
The psyops within psyops, like the disinformation within disinformation, would be enough to make this libertarian go the Full Rothbard (that is, if she hadn’t already)!

6 thoughts on “Nasties v Deplorables”

  1. “True freedom is not advanced in the permissive society, which confuses freedom with license to do anything whatever and which in the name of freedom proclaims a kind of general amorality. It is a caricature of freedom to claim that people are free to organize their lives with no reference to moral values, and to say that society does not have to ensure the protection and advancement of ethical values. Such an attitude is destructive of freedom and peace.” Pope J Paul
    Nothing quells hatred better than an obedient heart….your conscience is only a thought process away.

  2. With people identifying themselves so clearly with deplorable apparel, signs, and twitter handles, the round up will be a breeze in the beginning. They had to search the shadows to find the targeted in Nazi Germany. In modern times, they’ll look for the deplorable t-shirts.

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